MNE Forward Solution CLI
Command-line options
recognizes the following command-line options:
Input data:
--meg to compute the MEG forward solution
--eeg to compute the EEG forward solution
--grad compute the gradient of the field with respect to the dipole coordinates as well
--fixed to calculate only for the source orientation given by the surface normals
--mricoord do calculations in MRI coordinates instead of head coordinates
--accurate use more accurate coil definitions in MEG forward computation
--src name specify the source space
--label name label file to select the sources (can have multiple of these)
--mri name take head/MRI coordinate transform from here (Neuromag MRI description file)
--trans name take head/MRI coordinate transform from here (text file)
--notrans head and MRI coordinate systems are identical.
--meas name take MEG sensor and EEG electrode locations from here
--bem name BEM model name
--origin x:y:z/mm use a sphere model with this origin (head coordinates/mm)
--eegscalp scale the electrode locations to the surface of the scalp when using a sphere model
--eegmodels name read EEG sphere model specifications from here.
--eegmodel name name of the EEG sphere model to use (default : Default)
--eegrad rad/mm radius of the scalp surface to use in EEG sphere model (default : 90.0 mm)
--mindist dist/mm minimum allowable distance of the sources from the inner skull surface.
--mindistout name Output the omitted source space points here.
--includeall Omit all source space checks
--all calculate forward solution in all nodes instead the selected ones only.
--fwd name save the solution here
--help print this info.
--version print version info.