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FieldTrip Buffer

The plugin interface with a FieldTrip Buffer running at a given address. It does not implement the buffer itself, only a client. It is non-invasive, and does not even have access to the MEG device directly, only the data pushed to the buffer.

Running with Neuromag/Elekta/MEGIN

  1. Download FieldTrip neuromag2ft

    Download the fieldtrip source code on your acquisition computer, either from their website or their GitHub page. We are interested in the executable neuromag2ft, which will serve as both our buffer host and interface to push data to the buffer.

  2. Get neuromag2ft set up

    We will need to be able to run neuromag2ft on the acquisition computer for the Neuromag. Depending on your system, you might have to build it locally. You can do so by running the makefile in /realtime/src/acquisition/neuromag/ with the command make. If in doubt, follow the documentation on the fieldtrip buffer website.

  3. Run neuromag2ft

    Run neuromag2ft on the aquisition computer. neuromag2ft can be run with different parameters, but for this example we will be running it with all default settings. For more options, run it with the --help flag. Run the executable in /realtime/src/acquisition/neuromag/bin/<YOUR_OS>. This should both create a buffer and start an interface with the neuromag. This buffer will, by default, be hosted on port 1972.

  4. Start data collection

    Start collecting data and ensure it is being sent into the buffer through neuromag2ft. It is important that neuromag2ft already be running before data collection starts, otherwise neuromag2ft will not work.

  5. Set up plugin in MNE Scan

    Run MNE Scan and select the FtBuffer plugin from the toolbar on the left. Set the buffer address, which will be the IP address of your aquisition computer, and port, which by default is 1972. Click the Set button. This sets the Address and Port fields, and attempts to acquire a sample fif file created by neuromag2ft.

  6. Receive data

    In MNE Scan, click the green start button on the top left to start the plugin.