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Testing via CI

This page shows you how to check your wasm build and deploy it to your gh-pages branch.

Set up gh-pages

If not present already, create a new branch called gh-pages. Please note that the git rm -rf . command will delete all files in your repository folder, which are not tracked by git:

git checkout --orphan gh-pages
git rm -rf .
git add
git commit -m 'initial gh-pages commit'
git push origin gh-pages

Make sure that gh-pages is activated in your forked MNE-CPP repository by checking: mne-cpp > Settings > Options > GitHub Pages > Source: gh-pages branch.

Create an access token

Create a new access token and give it repo rights only. A guide on how to create a new token can be found here.

Set secrets

A guide on how to create a new token can be found here. The secret must be named GIT_CREDENTIALS_WASM_TEST and have the following format https://$username:$, where $token is the access token created in the step above and $username is your GitHub user name.

Trigger the Github Actions workflow

Create a new branch named wasm. If you decide to use a different name make sure to change the branch parameter in the wasmtest.yml workflow file accordingly. When ready, commit and push your changes to your remote. This will trigger a wasm build being build via Github actions and then be pushed to your fork’s gh-pages branch. Please note that this will delete everyhting presenet in your gh-pages branch. Building Qt and MNE-CPP for Wasm takes quite some time because we only have two CPU cores at our disposal.

If everything was setup correctly, the push should trigger a GitHub action to build your changes to the gh-pages branch. Once the GitHub action finishes you can take a look at your changes by visiting https://$ Please note that it can take some time or multiple refreshes for the changes to show.